From the Council President’s Desk … May 2024

~ Erik Long

Congregation Meeting ... Save the Date—June 23rd

On Sunday, June 23, 2024, we will hold a Congregation Meeting. The meeting will take place in the Fellowship Hall (and Zoom) at 2:00 PM. There will be a meal after the Spanish service, about 1:30 PM, and we will proceed into the Congregation Meeting at 2:00 PM.

We have one decisional agenda item at this meeting—approval to move forward on the project to renovate the Sacristy. We have already begun part of this project, when previous roofing leaks required us to remove the old asbestos ceiling. We will be providing more detail in the coming weeks, including timeline and financial considerations.

What is included in the Sacristy project?

  1. Roofing replacement and repair, starting with the Sacristy and stairwell, and continuing under the stained-glass windows on the right side of the Sanctuary. This work will include removal of the old leaky skylights in the Sacristy and in the stairwell as well as structural reinforcement of the Sacristy Roof. 

  2. Removal of the HVAC units in the Sacristy and associated ductwork, to be replaced with a new HVAC unit on the Sacristy roof. The new HVAC unit will allow for supply of fresh air into the Sanctuary, which is especially important to reduce the risk of transmission of airborne viruses.

  3. New flooring, countertops, and cabinets in the Sacristy to meet the needs of our important ministries that use the space.

Guidelines for Use of the Education Wing

As we return to Sunday congregation activities in the Education Wing, we are being respectful of the St. Mark’s Montessori School’s needs for the safety of our SMMS students and staff, as well as the need to provide safe conditions for our youngest members and their families. At present, the only congregation activities being scheduled in the Education Wing are Sunday morning age-group Sunday School/Confirmation classes, Youth Group on the Upper Level, and the Nursery on the Lower Level.

Keep in mind the following Rules of the Road:

  • Please don’t come into the Education Wing (or the rest of our building) if you are feeling ill. We will be doing touchless infrared temperature scans in the Education Wing

  • Masks are mandatory (Age 2+) and must cover the nose and mouth.

  • Use the main entrance, Door 5, to enter and leave the Education Wing for the activities taking place on the Upper Level. Only those using the Nursery should be using the playground entrance door and the lower hallway. Please do not enter the Education Wing from the Lower Level hallway coming from the Fellowship Hall

    • We are trying to minimize our footprint in the Education Wing on Sundays and clean up after ourselves.

  • Use the hand sanitizer station at the entrance.

  • Activity leaders are asked to keep attendance of who is using the rooms.

  • Sanitize the bathrooms after each individual use.

  • Please don’t linger in the hallways.

Council Update

Highlights from the Council meeting of Monday, January 8:

Council noted with great pleasure the report of the Treasurer that we finished 2023 with a small surplus of just under $2,600. We give thanks to that God has blessed our congregation so abundantly, giving wisdom to our Finance Committee, fiscal discipline and a sense of mission to everyone who has spending authority, and generosity to our members. The Council appointed Steven Carlson as Assistant Treasurer, so he can continue to assist and mentor Colleen Struss as she begins her tenure as Treasurer.

Council approved our 2024 Quarterly Benevolences:

  • Q1 ECHO/Food for Others

  • Q2 Caroline Furnace/Mar-Lu-Ridge

  • Q3 ELCA World Hunger

  • Q4 FACETS/The Lamb Center

Council voted to approve a covenant grant agreement from the Metro DC Synod, accepting a grant award of $10,000 from the Synod for our Community Gateway. These resources will go toward paying for the message boards, bike racks, signs, paving, and landscaping that will be installed.

Congregation Meeting, Sunday,11/19—Recap

Thank you to all who attended the Congregation Meeting this past Sunday and to all who provided food and fellowship. What a joy to be able to join in fellowship! And huge thanks to Erik Long for running the meeting. This meeting was called primarily to discuss and approve the 2024 budget and conduct elections (see links below). Thank you to all who have stepped up to serve—and thank you to those whose terms are ending for your faithful service! * Agenda and Elections info * Budget info * Constitution *

Learn more on a recap of the past year on the left side of this page under the heading “From the Council President’s Desk … November 2023”

Long Term Planning—Property

A Property Review Team (the “Team”) has been convened to evaluate the full breadth of properties owned by St. Mark’s. This team will make recommendations for potential new uses that may generate income, benefit the church body, benefit the community, or the like. The Team will consider both current and long-term needs of the Congregation. Team members include Ken Anderson, Bill Dinnison, Kay Graff, Ray Griswold, Pastor Triolo, and me, with valuable input from Steve Carlson. The team will ensure the Congregation is kept informed and provided opportunities for input. Please include our Team in your prayers as we undertake this important work. Thank you!

Narthex Renovation Update … What’s next:

See the info on the NARTHEX PROJECT page about the courtyard/office/lounge windows replacement from the menu selection at the top of every page.

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Narthex Renovation Fundraising Update!

Thanks to everyone who has participated so far in our original fundraising campaign, and in this new campaign! Please send any additional pledges in to the Treasurer. Pledge forms are available in the Narthex, the Church Office, and here.